Just following orders

Okay here goes.  These are the homemade order rules.  I must admit that I "borrowed" heavily from "Red Square" which in turn borrowed from "Pantaloons Rouges and Pickelhaubes" but they were a much more streamlined idea  of the order rules I was considering anyway.

Each Infantry, cavalry and vehicle unit have a order chit set against each figure, squad, battalion, company, whatever scale of battle you're playing.  Artillery and transport are free from these rules as they wouldn't work for such units and I feel imposing hard order rules on these units would be unrealistic.  The order chits set the parameter for how the unit acts.  This does require a great deal of sportsmanship on the players part and is definitely not for Rules Lawyers.

The units can be in one of four states until their orders are changed by higher command or whatever is in your chosen rule-set for changing orders or until their morale is broken.  Then they will obey morale rules until they are able to rally and will revert back to their chosen state.  I would also add that for AWA a unit that runs out of ammo can also choose to withdraw back to their own lines.

The four states

The unit attempts to move within close range (averaging weapon short range at 6 inches).  They will engage the enemy and attempt to enter melee if feasible.  

The units hold position and can fire at any enemy that move within range. 

The unit moves with effective range (averaging weapon medium range at 12 inches).  If the enemy withdraws from positions and move away from the unit they can move forward to pursue or remain where they are.

The units hold position and can fire at any enemy that move within range.  If the enemy units retires due to morale or the unit is attacked from flank or rear the order is automatically changed to ATTACK.


Suitable SCW chit backs.

Obviously these homemade order rules have not been tested under fire....errr....dice roll but I think that they will work quite well.  We will find out on Monday.

¡No pasarán!


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