The End of Days

Here we are, April's Fool Day!!!!  

I painted and vanished the very last figure at 18:00 hours almost to the second.  All done.  There have been compromises along the way but I've got all the stuff ready to play the three days of Jarmara.  It's been an interesting experiment and was quite good to set myself a time limit to get everything complete on time.  

The question is would I do it again?

The answer is "NO". 

The time constraints had a serious effect on my anally retentive nature.  I know in the back of my mind that wargame ready figures look alright on the table but I was dying to touch up each and every figure.  I was looking at other people internet postings of classy, well painted figures like a recently released convict with a free pass to a porn site.

I'm not closing the blog as there is a battle to be fought tomorrow and a battle report to write.  I will be continuing the blog for future SCW games as these update has been the most fun part of the project.  I will be taking a lot more time and effort on figures.

I look forward to the battles around Madrid and inside the city.  Also I want to get some Italians on the table so I can use all the CV33 tankettes I have.  I want to construct some buildings to be proud of and look pretty.

But most of all I want to find my missing biplane.

Thanks for reading and you may now pass.


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