The Female of the Species
The position of woman in Spanish society during the 1930's
was not enviable. It almost trite to point to the discrepancies in wages
between men and woman to the detriment of the women as that would be fairly
commonplace throughout the world at the time, not that that issue has been
removed at the present time. Although it was not a universal
adhered to practice, it was also expected that woman had to be chaperoned
in public. 1930's Spanish was an incredibly male dominated society with
an equally strong attitude of machismo among the male parts of
society. It would be no coincidence that in Spanish the word
for "wife" and "handcuffs" are the same.
Woman in the Republic had a real opportunity to fight on the front line
along their male comrades. This was not at a completely equal footing as they
were still expected to fulfil traditional "woman's" role such as
preparing meals and laundering clothes.
Female based political parties, such as Mujeres Libres (Free
Women) sought to involve women in the political sphere of the struggle and the
war. Considering the historical background of the country of that time
they strove to emphasis the political aspects of their organisation rather than
commit to a strong feminism stance. They wanted to be seen as a female
version of their male counterpoints in the anarchist and socialist movement and
not an opposition.
Although the anarchist sought to abolish legal marriage in favour of a
Free Union of people the practice of marriage continued in the main due to its
ingrained view of social respectability and the communal acceptance ceremony
that a traditional marriage would involve.
Many women flocked to the Republican cause and adopted the "working
class" uniform of the blue mechanic overalls.
On the Nationalist side the role of woman was to continue as had
previously. Women were encouraged to remain at home to tend the children
and the home or to serve in traditional military roles assisting in tending the
wounded in hospitals. A tiny handful was allowed to fight with the
Nationalist armies.
¡No pasarán!
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